HiPer® RA Test Teaching Kit (20PR)


HiPer® RA Test Teaching Kit uses latex bead agglutination to detect the presence of Rheumatoid factors (RF) in samples.

  • HiPer® RA Test Teaching Kit

    Rheumatoid arthritis or RA is a chronic and inflammatory disease of flexible (synovial) joints. During this disorder the synovial lymphocytes produce abnormal IgG and in response to this the host immune system generates IgM and these are called Rheumatoid factors (RF). These are autoantibody as they are generated against one's own tissue and for this reason RA is considered as a systematic autoimmune disease. Through a blood test the presence of RF can be detected and consequently RA is diagnosed.

    This teaching kit uses latex bead agglutination to detect the presence of Rheumatoid factors (RF) in samples.