HiE. coli Identification Kit

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  • a combination of 12 tests for identification of E. coli. (Kit contains sterile media for MR test, Voges Proskauer’s, Citrate utilization, Indole, Glucuronidase, Nitrate reduction, ONPG, Lysine utilization tests and 4 different carbohydrates utilization tests - Lactose, Glucose, Sucrose, Sorbitol).*Reagents supplied with kit : Methyl Red Indicator (I007), Barritt Reagent A (R029) and Barritt Reagent B (R030) for VP Test, Kovac’s Reagent (R008) for Indole Test, Nitrate Reagents : a-Naphthylamine Solution(R009) and Sulphanilic Acid 0.8% (R015).